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Booster Club membership supports the behind-the-scenes organization of the Pearce Area Theatre Programs, including North Junior High, Parkhill Junior High, and JJ Pearce High School. We truly appreciate and applaud your support! We cannot do this without you.

  • Who can join the Booster Club?
    Literally anyone who wants to support the arts!
  • Why support Pearce Theatre?
    We're internationally renowned We've been nominated for countless awards We were chosen as the first high school to produce both Mean Girls High School Edition and Heathers The Musical High School Edition, each earning critical acclaim at Texas Thespian Festival and International Thespian Festival Theater Jones, an online performing arts journal, called us “a musical theatre powerhouse” and said "there are no signs of slowing down" Ask any student involved in the theatre program and they'll tell you it's more than performing. Recent Pearce graduate, Jacob Merschel, said, "It's bigger than, like, being on the stage. It's a community. And it's a place to be yourself and grow. And here nurtures that."
  • What does my donation help fund?
    Running a successful high school theatre program is extremely expensive. We receive some support from the district but most of the funding comes from raising donations from within the community. Some of the things we have to cover include: student scholarships show rights scenery lights & sound props costumes scripts show meals musicians professional workshops professional training choreographers playbill & promotional printing award show entry fees travel costs other production expenses
  • How many productions does Pearce Theatre do each year?
    6 theatre class shows The UIL One Act competition Mustangs On Stage show a developmental needs theatre program (the only program in RISD of its kind) Fall main stage production Spring main stage production Fine Arts main stage production Summer Theatre Camp show for students entering 3rd though 9th grade
  • Do I receive anything for my donation?
    Each member is recognized in our main stage show playbills Early access to tickets
  • What is the cost to join?
    The Pearce Theatre Booster Club membership cost is $50.

Join the Booster Club

Our members are the best!

Be a sponsor

Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Join the board

Volunteer your time.


JJ Pearce High School

1600 N Coit Road

Richardson, Texas

Mail: PO Box 835035

Richardson, TX 75083-5035


Phone: (469) 593-5136

Registered Charity: 12345-67

Pearce Theatre Booster Club is a 501c3


Thanks for subscribing!

© 2024-2025 Pearce Theatre

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